Category: 29 faces

  • Four paintings and two exhibitions

    Four paintings and two exhibitions

    After a year of not much painting, but a whole pile of web design and graphic design, I finally cracked a month ago and determinedly put my painting at the top of the priority pile. Consequently I now have a backlog of work to catch up on, but I do have four paintings that have…

  • It is all in the mindset

    It is all in the mindset

    I’m in the perfect position to achieve anything I want, I just need to make sure I don’t stuff up what I already have in order to get it.

  • A Piece a Week 17 – Nightlight

    I was putting my youngest daughter to bed a couple of nights ago and as she snuggled up to her doll, I was struck by her pose. I grabbed my camera and as she fell asleep (she was very tired, we were up late) I snapped some very blurry photos of her

  • Pastel portrait of Izzy

    And I have my first face for 29 Faces! Started off as a quick sketch, but actually took me most of the day. Here is a pastel portrait of my youngest daughter, two and a half year old Izzy.

  • 29 Faces wrap up

    I just sat down and drew and as I drew she got uglier and uglier and soon that ugly was doing its best to camouflage the fact that my perspective skills suck big time and it began claiming that the wonky eye is just a natural deformity for a goblin librarian.

  • Upcomings on Gumnut Inspirations

    Here’s a quick heads up for the two challenges I’m hoping to combine in June. I’m new to both of these (links in the images above), but they look fun and should have me posting every day, and hopefully creating everyday in some form or another (I have to, I have far too many WIPs…

  • Unknown expression

    I have to say that I don’t think I’ll get 29 faces done, but for what I do get done, it has been a valuable exercise. I have at least one painting in mind from one of the sketches and another proved to me that I actually know more about faces than I thought I…

  • 29 Faces – Feeling the moment

    Tonight I felt like expressing exhileration or high end positive emotion. Not that I’m feeling particularly exhilerated or anything, but I felt the need to see if I could communicate any of those like emotions in my faces. So I gave it a go.

  • 29 Faces – Aloof/Haughty

    Today I came across the 29 Faces Challenge. I’d heard about this one around the net, but I have never participated in it. This is a sequel to a previous challnge and I’m entering seven days late, leaving me behind before I even start, but what the hey. Gotta be in it to win it.