Category: sunday sketches

  • Hands number six and seven

    Hands number six and seven



    This post follows on from 100 hands and, funnily enough, has more hands ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Scribbling dragons



    This week’s sketching has been revolving around finding a new dragon to paint.

  • Random art from the past



    Here is a little scribble from wayback that I played with a little digitally tonight.

  • A moment in the studio – Artful Creations Days 17, 18, 19 & 20



    On my art table there you can see a weird WIP that I started the night before. Acrylic, iridescent gel and tiny quartz rocks. I have no idea where it is going, but it does have some interesting textures.

  • A fling with iridescent gel



    I am having a love affair with iridescent gel. I can’t seem to get away from it, not that I want to. I can’t help but throw some into almost all my paintings at the moment. I just love the lustre.

  • Pastel portrait of Izzy



    And I have my first face for 29 Faces! Started off as a quick sketch, but actually took me most of the day. Here is a pastel portrait of my youngest daughter, two and a half year old Izzy.

  • Life Inspired for Sunday Sketches



    I do have to apologise for this new Life Inspired cartoon. I couldn’t help myself.

  • Cupid stings

    Cupid stings



    I’ve dug up a cartoon that I never I’ve never shown at Sunday Sketches (in fact it was drawn the week after I posted my first ever Sunday Sketches submission back in November 2010). He’s here sitting on my hard drive doing nothing much and as he is a cute little thing, I thought it…

  • More watercolour and pen work



    I have two sketches this week to submit for Sunday Sketches. The first is the second in the new series of ‘Life inspired’ scribbles I’m doing. The second sketch…well, I’ll let you make up your mind about that one.

  • Life inspired



    For quite some time now I have been admiring pen and watercolourists like Tracey Fletcher King and Blue Chair Diary Illustrations and their techniques of mixing these two wonderful media. I have never attempted watercolour and pen together before and since my watercolour experience is minimal, I tend to find that part of the equation…