Category: Bubble painting

  • Bubbles, bubbles, everywhere

    Bubbles, bubbles, everywhere

    Exploring unusual techniques.

  • A Bubble Painting Workshop and some goodies for you!

    I held a bubble painting workshop!

  • Baseball Nut Icecream Bubbles

    On Friday July 6, 2012, 10 – 11.30am, I will be holding a bubble painting workshop at the Unley Town Hall, Oxford Terrace, Unley, South Australia. I’ll be there in my daggy painting clothes with a bunch of 7-13 year olds exploring bubble printing and the art we can create from it. It is part…

  • Explorations – Bubble painting II

    Explorations – Bubble painting II

    Some time ago I did a series of experiments with paint and bubble bath. They proved quite popular and I had several expressions of interest in a tutorial, so I wrote up my first fully documented Exploration. Since then I have received a request to do a video of the technique. It has taken me…

  • Explorations – Bubble painting

    Explorations – Bubble painting

    I was giving my eldest daughter a bath one night, swirling bubblebath around in the tub, when the bubbles suddenly grabbed my attention. They had a beautiful texture. I wondered if they could carry paint and leave a print on paper. Of course, I had to explore the idea.

  • Cosmos

    Cosmos, acrylic on illustration board scan and digitally altered, approx. 210 x 210 mm. Another experiment, this time with digital art. The challenge this month over at Creative Every Day is ‘cosmos’ and I couldn’t leave a word like that alone. This is the result. I’m not 100% happy with it and I may make…

  • Painting experiments – Caught

    Caught, acrylic, watercolour pencil and gel pen, approx. 265 x 195 mm. Here you go. My attempt to create a painting from this. I love bits of it, other bits, not so much, but hey, it’s only an experiment 😀 So Christie, you scored 😀 It was a fish I had in mind. It would…

  • What can you see? – painting experiments continued

    Furthering on my experiments from here, here and here…what can you see? I know what I can see and what I’m going to add to it as soon as I can, but I’m interested in what other artists might see.  This is the beauty of experimentation, you never quite know what is around the corner.…

  • Sunday Sketches – Balloons

    Dreams of Balloons, acrylic, watercolour pencil and gel pen on illustration board, approx. 250 x 200 mm Still more experimenting with paints in line with yesterday’s post. I was mesmerised by this idea the moment I saw it in the paint. It has it’s faults, but I’m happy with the movement. Since I spent a…

  • Dream

    Dream, Acrylic, pen and gel pen on illustration board, approx. 200mm x 250mm. The experiment from the previous post? Now a completed painting. The scan seems to have obliterated most of the stars. Right down the centre of the piece is a spray of stars in yellow and white. What do you think? Not quite…